Beach House – Solana Beach
Beach House – Solana Beach
The project sprang from the architect’s massing model and inspiration images. Working closely with the client and the architect, our engineering and manufacturing team developed innovative casting methods to support the project. Each sightline and joint is deliberate with the depth of the Tactile Smooth Platen Cast Bronze™. We seamlessly incorporated the concrete hearth using our Tactile Polished GFRC with bronze trim to match the panels. The Tactile Leather Cladding™ subtly complements the Tactile Smooth Platen Cast Bronze™.
Giannone Petricone Associates
Toronto, Canada
Project Location:
San Diego, California, USA
Tactile Smooth Platen Cast Bronze™
Tactile Polished GFRC™
Tactile Leather™
Tactile Smooth Platen Cast Bronze Cladding™
Tactile Polished GFRC Cladding™
Tactile Leather Cladding™