UNIQLO Flagship
UNIQLO Flagship
The imposing six story UNIQLO Flagship Store stands proudly on the most popular shopping street in Shanghai. The design transformed an existing office building into a distinctive, memorable retail presence for the UNIQLO brand. As an artistic representation of the brand’s product, the design team enhanced the façade with a fabric-like appearance across a vast 30,000 square feet. We designed and engineered a 10 mm (3/8”) thick Tactile Formed Aluminum façade featuring milled variable perforations and Tactile Ceramic Composite Coating resulting in the aforementioned fabric character in a high gloss bright white finish. The façade features integrated back lighting and concealed egress areas. The ground floor features 4500 mm (14’ 9”) tall Tactile Stainless Steel Oversized Pivot Doors that extend the retail environment out into the pedestrian area. The entrance to the Metro station was integrated into the store design with a multi-faceted Tactile Stainless Steel and Glass Facade designed to entice passersby into the store. The interior features a six-story tall Tactile Glass Cladding structure with 28 surface planes housing flying mannequins and live performers inviting exploration of the store’s upper levels.
Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA
Fast Retailing
Shanghai, China
Project Location:
Shanghai, China